Rapid Visual Prototyping for Artists & Designers
Generate thousands of images automatically, without writing a line of code and with as few as 30 input images.
Generate New Ideas, Faster & Cheaper
Playform makes the efficiency of AI accessible for artists and designers.
Upload your image set
Or select from the shared community collections. Playform is the only platform that allows you to train visual models with as a few as 30 images.
Choose the training time
Playform will recommend the amount of time necessary to train the model. The longer you train the model, the more it’ll learn from your image set.
Visualize all the possibilities
See it for yourself! Playform makes it possible for you to leverage the power of AI technology without learning how to code or gathering huge image sets.
Create videos with outputs
Select your favorite results and create videos using automated transitions. You can also download individual images or bulk download full image sets.
All artwork created using Playform is the intellectual property of the artist or user. Your work within the platform is defaulted to private unless you explicitly share with the community.